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HRT Lesvos participates in search operation for missing refugees

Date: 13/07/2016
HRT Lesvos participates in search operation for missing refugees

With rescue boat "Norway II" and four crew members, HRT Lesvos participates in the missing refugees search mission, which is conducted in the area from ??the airport to the Port, after an emergency call from the Central Port of Mytilene.

So far four bodies have been recovered, including two children, six people were rescued and at the moment rescuers are searching for three other refugees. According to recent information from the "Norway II” crew, another body was found in the area where the HRT vessel is and the HRT volunteers are currently trying to locate it as it has sunk.

The wreck was caused early this morning when the boat which embarked from Dikeli region with 11 people aboard, overturned. Two refugees who claimed to be aboard and swam for five hours informed the authorities about the incident, leading them to a big search operation.

The mission is still in progress, with bad weather conditions (four Beaufort winds in the area).

HRT Lesvos participates in search operation for missing refugees


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Hellenic Rescue Team is a non-governmental organization, whose members participate in Search and Rescue missions on a voluntary basis since 1994.

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