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First Aid

First Aid
First Aid

The purpose of the First Aid Department is to train the members of the Hellenic Rescue Team, both in the Central Administration and in the branches, in First Aid, as well as to inform and train the public, associations, schools and company personnel.

The department is comprised of first aid trainers and assists the other HRT departments.

The department’s activities include, among other things, training the new members in the basic principles of first aid and subsequently specialising them in first aid with internationally-recognised certifications, preparing them for external training and certification in first aid, and providing first aid at cultural and sporting events. One of the department’s most important goals is preparing, providing information to and training the public and for this reason it organises regular trainings, workshops and conferences that are open to all.

Historical overview

The department was officially created in 2003 by HRT volunteers with a knowledge of pre-hospital care. The main goal of the department has always been the best possible training of HRT’s volunteers as well as information campaigns and training for as many members of the public as possible.

A landmark moment for the First Aid Department was its collaboration with the Accident and Emergency Department of AHEPA Hospital in Thessaloniki in 2004, which gave our volunteers the opportunity to receive training in trauma care. This collaboration continues to this day. The department also collaborates with and has held joint trainings with organisations in Great Britain, Turkey and elsewhere.

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Hellenic Rescue Team
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Hellenic Rescue Team is a non-governmental organization, whose members participate in Search and Rescue missions on a voluntary basis since 1994.

Find us also

Kifisias 13 - P.C. 54248 Thessaloniki

Operations Centre (24 hours):
+30 2310 310649