2310 310649
Operations Centre (24 hours)
Ελληνικά Search
How can I help HRT
Board of Trustees
Training Division
Operations Division
Mountain Search and Rescue
Water Search and Rescue
Urban Search and Rescue
First Aid
Search & Rescue Dogs
Research and Technology
Humanitarian & Social Care Department
Search and Rescue missions
Events - Conferences
Other activities
  First Aid Courses  
  Contact us  



The Hellenic Rescue Team operates in the following areas:

Mountain Search and Rescue
The Mountain Rescue Department is Hellenic Rescue Team's oldest department. It is staffed by members who love mountaineering and are engaged in mountain sports
Water Search and Rescue
Staffed by speed boat operators, sailors, lifeguards and support staff, the department contributes to Search and Rescue (S.A.R.) in sea, rivers and lakes
Urban Search and Rescue
The purpose of this department is the immediate response during extensive disasters all over the world
First Aid
The goal of this department is to provide First Aid training to all HRT volunteers and to every individual who is keen on learning how to save a life
Search & Rescue Dogs
The HRT Department of Search and Rescue Dogs was established to support the other departments in search for missing persons.
Research and Technology
The Department’s activities include the creation and development of pioneering and innovative technological products and services as well as the design and management of the HRT’s nationwide radio network
This HRT department collects, transports and distributes humanitarian aid to communities or individuals affected by natural disasters or degrading situations, as well as administer assistance and relief programs both in Greece and in third countries, in collaboration with both Greek Authorities and the European Union (ECHO).


Sponsors division

Hellenic Rescue Team
is member of

Hellenic Rescue Team is a non-governmental organization, whose members participate in Search and Rescue missions on a voluntary basis since 1994.

Find us also

Kifisias 13 - P.C. 54248 Thessaloniki

Operations Centre (24 hours):
+30 2310 310649