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Four new rescue boats for the Hellenic Rescue Team, funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Date: 24/04/2017
Four new rescue boats for the Hellenic Rescue Team, funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

"Nansen", "Odin", "Europe" and "Aegean" are the names of the four new rescue boats of the Hellenic Rescue Team (HRT) that were "baptized" in Thessaloniki, in front of the White Tower on Friday, April 21st.

The boats were built with funding from the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Norwegian RS-Rednigselskapet, as part of the support program for the Hellenic Rescue Team, amounting to more than 1 million €, which was absorbed for the building of the boats, the purchase of specialized rescue equipment, training programs, upgrading the HRT's radio network and upgrading the organization's administrative services.

Norwegian’s government representative and "godmother" of ‘’Nansen’’ rescue boat, was State Secretary, Norwegian Ministry of Justice, Mrs. Anette Elseth, who in her greeting referred to the ongoing effort of the Hellenic Rescue Team’s volunteers to protect those at risk in the sea, but also in Marine search and rescue training programs that have been carried out, both in Norway and in Greece. During the previous day, Mrs. Anette Elseth had the opportunity to have a close look of the boats and their equipment, as she was embarked on one of them during a test run at Thermaikos Gulf.

"I am particularly proud of the fact that Hellenic Rescue Team has its seat in Thessaloniki and during the 30 years since its establishment, has shown a very important work that is based solely on voluntary offering" stressed at his speech the Mayor of Thessaloniki, Mr. Giannis Boutaris, who "baptized" the rescue boat "Europe".

"I want to thank the Norwegian government, the Norwegian rescue organization RS-Rednigselskapet and the Norwegian people for the solidarity they are showing, by donating to the Hellenic Rescue Team these four rescue boats," the mayor noted and concluded, "the Norwegians like the Greeks are a naval people.  I wish to HRT good sails ". He also pledged that Thessaloniki Municipality will do whatever it can in order to further strengthen the actions of the Hellenic Rescue Team.

The Minister of Shipping and Island Policy, Panagiotis Kouroumplis and the Chief of the Hellenic Coast Guard, Vice-Admiral Stamatis Raptis, were represented at the event, by Commodore Georgios Perdikouris, Commander of the 2nd Regional Administration of CG, who ‘’baptized’’ the ‘’Aegean’’, while the ‘’baptize’’ of the "Odin" was made by Mrs. Trine Ditlevsen, wife of HE the Ambassador of Norway to Greece.

Greetings at the ceremony were also addressed by HE the Ambassador of Norway to Greece, Mr. Jørn Eugene Gjelstad, Deputy Minister of the Environment and Energy Mr. Socrates Famellos, RS-Rednigselskapet  Secretary General Mrs. Rikke Lind, as well as by the President of the Hellenic Rescue Team, Mr. Georgios  Kalogeropoulos.

The ceremony was attended, among others, by the former Deputy Minister of Finance Dimitris Mardas, the President and the CEO of the International Maritime Rescue Federation (IMRF) Mr. Udo Fox and   Mr. Bruce Reid respectively, the Consul of Norway in Thessaloniki, Mr. Ioannis Akkas, as well as representatives of the Armed Forces and the Security Forces.

Finally, representatives of INTERAMERICAN and Interlife Insurance companies and LALIZAS company, sponsors of the Hellenic Rescue Team, as well as General Director of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees in Thessaloniki Mrs. Sabine Waehning, attended the ceremony.

Hellenic Rescue Team is very grateful to the Norwegian Organization for the Sea Rescue, RS-Rednigselskapet  and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the donation of the rescue boats.  Also to all those who helped to the realization of the event, specifically Samiotakis Catering, for sponsorship of the buffet and our big sponsor Aegean airlines. But above all, the HRT’s volunteers for their over-effort.

Four new rescue boats for the Hellenic Rescue Team, funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs


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Hellenic Rescue Team is a non-governmental organization, whose members participate in Search and Rescue missions on a voluntary basis since 1994.

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