Become a sponsor or a supporter

Become a sponsor or a supporter

The Hellenic Rescue Team, as with most voluntary organisations in Greece, operates mainly thanks to the support of private citizens. We would not be able to participate in rescue operations, in Greece or abroad, without the support – both in funding and equipment – of companies and individuals who believe in us and have helped us to respond to the calls of those in need. Moreover, our members have for years now offered their services to all those at risk, without ever asking for financial benefit in return. Our reward is the success of every rescue mission.

In our efforts to respond immediately to the next crisis that will break out somewhere on the planet and to secure a sustainable future for thousands of people, we need your support, whether this be financial or in the form of the equipment that the Team needs. We, in turn, can promote the visibility of your sponsorship with all the means available to us.

We always feel the need to say a big thank you to you, who are helping our effort in any way you can, thus giving us the strength to continue our work.

You can support us financially in the following ways:


By making a deposit to our bank account

Eurobank Ergasias

Bank Account: 0026.0257.270100642665

ΙΒΑΝ: GR20 0260 2570 0002 7010 0642 665


          IBAN: GR26 7010 0000 0004 5472 5672 609



Through Piraeus Bank’s Easypay programme

WINbank - Easypay


For holders of Piraeus Bank accounts or cards only


For donations deposited in our bank account, it is essential that you notify us by telephone on +30 2310 310 649 (Monday to Friday, 09.00 - 17.00)  or at Please notify us after making your donation, so that we can send you a receipt and thank you letter.



Support the Hellenic Rescue Team with Paypal or a credit card, by clicking on the item below


By postal order (ELTA cheque)

At a branch of Hellenic Post either by postal order or cheque, payable to:
Hellenic Rescue Team, 13 Kifissias Street, 542 48, Thessaloniki

By visiting us

Donations in cash by visiting the Team’s offices. Click here to see where we are located.

For security reasons, please do not send cash by post.

Other relevant articles:

Hellenic Rescue Team
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